Saturday, January 10, 2009

A big week!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year

Wow! Can you imagine that it's already 2009? As we enter our second year on the field, let me remind you of how thankful we are for faithful prayer partners. We could not remain on the field without you. We pray that 2009 will be a year of blessing and growth for each of you.

My Dad and nephew went home on Tuesday, and we all managed to survive. It was sad for us to see them go, because we enjoyed so much having them here, but we are so grateful for the time they spent with us. What a blessing! We spent New Year's Eve with friends, first at a party, then at Red Square, as you can see in the pics above. (Actually, Red Square was already full by the time we got there, so this is right next to Red Square.) If you haven't seen the video of this experience, you must go to Marc's blog ( and take a look. It is hysterically funny. Marc has promised this was a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and I'm holding him to it!

We have another week off of school this week, so we are taking our time cleaning and packing the Christmas stuff. John John has a sports camp Monday and Tuesday, and we have English Club on Thursday night. We are very much looking forward to seeing our friends. We miss them when we take a break. Please pray for our Russian friends, particularly Ksenya, Marina, and Sergei. We believe each of them is seeking something more in their lives. Pray that we will continue to grow our relationships with them.

On Tuesday, Marc and Tim will set their travel schedule for January and February. We know already that it is packed completely full. Please pray for wisdom as they make decisions about where to travel in these very, very cold months of the year here in Russia. They are also praying to have twelve churches adopt the Chuvash people group and hold a campaign on behalf of the Chuvash for one month of the year. Will you please pray that churches will be faithful to heed this call, and that the Chuvash people will be reached with the Good News that Jesus saves? The response to Engage Russia, the campaign Marc and Tim are working on right now, has been overwhelming. We are really excited about what God is doing through their work. Please pray also for our family and the Wickers as Marc and Tim will be gone much of the next two months. 

Finally, we are contemplating the different offers on the table for us from various parts of the company. We've been asked to make a decision by the end of January. Please pray that (a) God's direction would be absolutely clear; (b) we would take that direction unquestioningly; and (c) no matter what decision we make, we will continue to be focused on what God would have us do right now in this place. We are excited about the possibilities God has put before us, and we look forward to whatever direction He tells us to turn. It's an exciting time in our lives!

Thank you for your prayers. Your faithfulness makes our lives possible. We appreciate and love you, and we pray that you are looking forward to a tremendous day in the house of God. Blessings to you and yours!

Kellye (for all)